“I didn’t even know you can hire people efficiently in a way that allows you to dial them into the culture of the company.” Read More about “Testimonials”…

Our hiring process means that you only see the best candidates so you get the person you need with far less work, time and cost on your part. Read More about “Hiring”…

If you would like coaching to help you get organised, achieve your objectives or resolve problems, just get in touch. You can have regular coaching, ad-hoc coaching or a one-off session. Read More about “Consultancy”…
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What is the difference between objectives and KPIs?
A Grapevine reader sent in a question asking what the difference is between objectives, goals (or …The Deadly Self-Appraisal Form and How to Fill It In
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In Hiring, InterviewingMy very first job as a school governor (equivalent to a school board member) was to recruit a new …Five key steps to a successful hiring and recruitment campaign
In HiringA vital recruitment tool that you need to be using is a task-based assessment that is not only a …How To Find Out What People’s Values Really Are
In Hiring, InterviewingValues tell you how people are likely to behave When I am working with clients on objectives, it …